BOAVISTA will work with you to set up a new challenging life after, for example, a completed mental health care process for trauma processing, burn-out treatment, addiction care, after a mourning period as a result of divorce or loss, after recovery from a long-term illness, or because your life consists of restlessness and dissatisfaction (for example a midlife crisis) and is ready for an energy boost.

BOAVISTA stands for a beautiful (prospect) view and that is exactly the goal you want to achieve and realize together with your personal coach by setting up a completely new life with new challenges and literally removing old structures and building new challenging ones. BOAVISTA stands for recognition as a name and is carried out by one coach. My name is RAMON and my life, like everyone else’s so far, has consisted of ups and downs, but for me from the caliber of Mount Everest to the Mariana Trench (this is the deepest point in the Pacific Ocean 😉). I have worked for 26 years (still) in the commercial business sector, both technically and legally, and always with a coaching mission. I have gained a lot of experience in this sense and in combination with the dangers that lurk there in a psychological sense. The combination of my life experiences, analytical skills, empathy, sense of spirituality and an aptitude for changing structures, makes me your ideal coach to work together for your new life. Use the link at the bottom of this page to the BOAVISTA consultation and coaching program and you will learn much more about the possibilities and your path to liberation!


The MISSION of BOAVISTA is to share knowledge, a wealth of life experience and the application of SUPERPOWERS with the aim of helping YOU set up a new life with new challenges and new perspectives. Giving substance to what YOUR heart and soul really desires in a practical way and discovering your strength or SUPERPOWER with a beautiful prospect full of passion, happiness and satisfaction. What you radiate, you receive back as an energetic boost and works as an energy multiplier! Every day your life becomes better and easier. In addition, BOAVISTA can provide a lecture or workshop for your company, association or agency for the prevention of stress, bundling SUPERPOWERS with practical tips for a healthy work-life balance.

A new life with challenges, objectivity, openness, peace and optimism AND with a BOAVISTA NEW LIFE PLAN!


BOAVISTA is intimately familiar with the challenges of living with ADHD, especially in adults. Life with ADHD has many challenges and barriers. Or do we just think that these barriers exist? Then all we have to do is stop thinking! And it really is that simple, but do you know the tricks? BOAVISTA can also provide advice on dealing with people with ADHD, for partners, teammates or colleagues. Is that really so difficult? The answer to the previous question? No, living with ADHD or interacting with people with ADHD is a privilege! Why? Discover the SUPERPOWERS together with BOAVISTA, one-on-one in an individual coaching process or in a (small) group! Everyone has them, but with ADHD to the power of 10! A manual may be a bit necessary, but that shouldn’t be a problem? Nobody is perfect. By the way, people with ADHD are 😉.

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